Daily Desmos 19a (Advanced)
Sam Shah (@samjshah)
On to the Challenge!
Can you create the following graph using desmos.com or some other graphing tool? If you’re victorious, leave us a note in the comments when you’re done.
I think I got it! https://www.desmos.com/calculator/w354j1ys3l
Think I got it. I’ll check Dan’s solution after I post. Sam, do either of our solutions look correct?
Here it is: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/59qbmsv7jp
P.S. There are some cool variations on this graph by moving my sliders to multiples of pi!
Just realized my graph isn’t large enough. Oh well…
Close enough? https://www.desmos.com/calculator/qos2jkdlz5
I’m calling this one close enough. (First Daily Desmos evar!)
@Dan #1: Yup!
@Michael: The 1/6 is super close… just a tiny smidge off…
@Dan #2: Close enough!
@Josh: I love what it looks like (the division by theta is awesome because it makes it flatter as it goes out)… Sure, I’ll say close enough (hint tho: don’t divide by theta!)