Daily Desmos 30a1 (Advanced)
Nate Burchell
On to the Challenge!
Can you create the following graph using desmos.com or some other graphing tool? If you’re victorious, leave us a note in the comments when you’re done.
Obviously this isn’t quite right, and I’m sure my answer is much more complicated than necessary but it’s good enough for me! https://www.desmos.com/calculator/c3umdaipun
This is really off… But this is as good as a coworker and I were able to do…
I think I got it.
Here’s mine!
These look great. I didn’t use a max function, and mine is continuous and differentiable with no “piecewise” definition. In mine, the hub of the propeller is not really a circle, but these are not very visible differences. Now if you put theta on a slider, you can make it spin.
Here’s mine. Nice one. Can’t wait to see the original version. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/c0frhpmqkk
Dan, here’s the original propeller graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/gfufy5pnbb
Cool. How might you change the center of your propeller from the origin to a different point?