Daily Desmos 218a (Advanced)
Justin Lanier (@j_lanier)
On to the Challenge!
Can you create the following graph using desmos.com or some other graphing tool? Notice that this advanced challenge is the envelope curve of the family of lines in the basic challenge (218b). If you’re victorious, leave us a note in the comments when you’re done.
Not sure what the equation of the curve is…. working on it. Here are the lines:
Bam. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/sfv8g3qlwm
Whoops, erroneously titled that graph “218b” instead of “218a.”
Gah, I retract my earlier “solution.” It’s not quite right.
Okay, NOW I think I have it. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/rdqublvxwt
Provided implicitly defined curves are ok, here’s mine:
I went down the rabbit hole on this, creating a parametrically defined curve, converting that to a function of y, and then making it implicit to get rid of a +/- in there. Yikes.