Dancer 1b (Basic)
Dan Anderson (@dandersod)
On to the Challenge!
Can you create the following graph using or some other graphing tool? If you’re victorious, leave us a note in the comments when you’re done.
This animation uses a slider that goes from 2 to 20 with a step of 1.
using desmos–
1.) y = x
2.) y = -x
At first I thought desmos was pretty cool but now i learned you can move it it’s even more cooler than at first i plan on using this every time i need something graphed
uhhhh….I guess I did this right….
Almost there, Jane!. The directions ask for a slider that goes from 2-20. It’d probably be more like this:
y = (-1)^a * x
Where 2<=a<=20
That way, it jumps from a slope of 1 to -1 each step.
-1<=m<=1 step 2 and then speed it up. Could also be done like this.